Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

most people say that!!!

hey, if u say anything is alright, u should think twice...
oh my lord,,,,

I meet anyone that give me different perspectif. Aku bner2 gak nyangka kalo smua yg trjadi di dunia ini udah di rekam dLam video kcil tp mmpu memuat berjuta moment. Otak.

indah sekali walaupun disana banyak juga mcam2 orang yg entah bgaimana sifat, rupa dan sikap. Kita sbagai manusia hnya bisa brusaha untuk mencoba mngerti mreka daN mnerima mreka sbagai bagian dr hdup kita, isn't there???

ok,, I know,, 2 understand what people mean, it's too hard...
but, we can start from her or him that live around us.

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